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PostPosted: 10/30/10 10:36 AM •  [Post 1]
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Joined: 10/10/08 6:00 PM
Posts: 8537
Welcome to GrabbaJabba

Welcome! Pull yourself up a comfy chair and serve yourself a cold or warm beverage on us. If you're interested in joining us, this is the place to start. Please read on to understand where we stand regarding our purpose, rules and guidelines. We rightfully assume all members have read and understood the following:

Purpose, Rules & Guidelines:
Our Purpose is to ignite a friendly community atmosphere where everyone is free to discuss ANYTHING. But let's be perfectly realistic here. Even the best of friends manage to rip into each other. We do not encourage anyone to attack others, but you are free to challenge people's ideas, positions and opinions. Though, let's be clear that difference of opinions should not be considered as a personal attack. And we're perfectly aware people can be sarcastic and aim subtle digs at others. If you know someone is going to go off the deep end regarding a subtle dig at them, then don't even go there. We want conversations to be true to life. Just refrain from taking things far too personal.

And most importantly, HAVE FUN!!! TRY NOT TO TAKE EVERYTHING SO SERIOUSLY. Certainly we expect serious and debatable topics to be discussed here, but if your main purpose is to ignite ONLY serious topics and expect everyone to follow you seriously all the time, you're going to have a tough time making friends here.

Community Posting Rules:

1. Civility and Respect are required. GrabbaJabba does not promote ignorance, hate, or violence, as we are a peaceful community.

2. Prohibited:
a. Threats against an individual will be turned over to appropriate authorities as necessary.
b. Issues originating elsewhere. (If an issue did not start here, do not bring it here.)
c. Harassing members, moderation or administration (whether it's publicly or privately).
d. Solicitation
d. Spam
e. Flaming, name-calling other members. If you cannot make a point without flaming or name calling, stay silent.

Control & Admin.

GrabbaJabba is administered by Wil & Marilyn. All issues and questions should be submitted to us. Lisa is our forum moderator who assists the administrators by locking, moving, and deleting threads/posts as necessary. The administrator also relies on moderators to help make decisions on issues which may improve the community as well as eradicate anything or anyone who may defy the purpose of this community. Challenging moderation or harassing those in charge will definitely earn you no respect. We wish to maintain a friendly and respectable community.

We also want to make the community completely clear that any community business will be shared among us three. In other words, if you have a complaint or such regarding anyone @ GRABBAJABBA, this will be shared among the three of us. No one else! But keep in mind, we are aware some members favor certain mods/admin. However, whenever it comes to running GRABBAJABBA we will not play favorites and keep info from one another. If you pm a mod or admin about an issue, it will be shared among the three of us. We prefer you to contact Wil and/or Marilyn first.

If you have any questions, you are free to send us a message.

Some Final Wise Thoughts:

This place is someone else's space that they have invested considerably more effort in this than you as a visitor have. It is their home and you are a guest at their party. They want people to get along and have really interesting conversations, maybe dance a little, tell jokes, but sometimes people disagree and words are exchanged. The host has a few trusted friends as bouncers (admins) and as a guest at their party we are welcome until we make ourselves unwelcome. If they lock a thread, they are saying change the subject, not calling you an ass or telling you to go get stuffed, just saying this topic is not a road I want my party going down. If you don't fit in at the party, thank the host and excuse yourself from the gathering, don't piss in their punchbowl and tell them how crappy their cooking or music is. If you start being pushy or demanding things, you are a poor guest. If you insult the host, you are a poor guest. If you find the tone and temperament of the party not to your liking, just move on, don't make a scene. That is the difference between a civil mature grown up and a childish attention whore. You choose your actions, those actions determine which you will be viewed as. It is up to you.

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